“Transformational breathwork is a personal odyssey where breath becomes the chariot of change; leading you to the deepest realms of your being. It’s not just about inhaling and exhaling; it’s about awakening dormant energies, unraveling layers of the self, and stepping into a new realm of understanding and self-love.”

…because you deserve to feel alive ☺

Like a lightning bolt ∞ licking your wounds, breathwork refreshes the mind and spirit in a way that is nothing short of electrifying.

Leanna Bishop, expert breathwork facilitator, guides mothers, entrepreneurs, and those healing their inner child through her uniquely developed M.O.T.H.E.R.L.U.N.G. Protocol.

Intentional breathing provides a secure container where pent-up emotions feel safe enough to let go. And if you’re at the charge of caring for others, this sort of soul hygiene is a non negotiable.

Control Your Blood Pressure

Breathwork practices, such as deep belly breathing or steady, rhythmic breathing, can elicit relaxation responses.

These help activate the body's relaxation response, or parasympathetic nervous system.

To cope, your body enters a meditative state, slowing your heart rate and relaxing your blood vessels.

As a result, the body's stress reaction and blood pressure decrease.

Looking for a tranquilizer that also happens to be good for your body?

Then training your breath is the way to go.

Fortify Your Immunity

Reducing stress levels has been shown to improve immune system performance.

The immune system declines as a result of prolonged stress, rendering us more vulnerable to disease.

Breathwork techniques can help you relax and de-stress, which can lead to lower levels of cortisol and a healthier environment for your immune system to thrive in.

In addition, research shows that breathwork can lower inflammatory indicators in the body.

Feel Rested & Rejuvenated

Breathwork techniques increase oxygen intake and circulation, supplying your body with fresh oxygen-rich blood.

Adequate oxygenation supports the renewal and repair of tissues, aids in cellular regeneration, and contributes to overall physical rejuvenation.

By practicing breathwork, you provide your body with the necessary resources for optimal recovery and revitalization.

That leads to better quality sleep and even better quality wake time!

Boost Natural Cleansing Mechanisms

The lymphatic system is essential to immune function because it aids in the elimination of waste products, poisons, and infections from the body.

Breathwork exercises, such as "breath of fire," can promote lymphatic circulation by causing the diaphragm to move in a rhythmic pattern, which in turn aids in the flow of lymph fluid and speeds up the body's natural detoxification processes from head to toe.

A breath of clean air with every inhale and exhale!

Restore Your Sense Of Agency

Breathwork can be a helpful technique to restore your sense of empowerment and self-direction.

The restoration of agency is a lengthy process that may require additional practices, self-reflection and support systems.

But as you do breathwork more frequently, you’ll notice you develop a heightened awareness of your thoughts, feelings, and behavioural patterns.

It then becomes easier to identify your habits, beliefs and thought patterns.

As a result of your increased self-awareness, you’ll be empowered to make decisions that are in line with your true values and goals.

Breathwork encourages a reclaimed sense of control over how you live and navigate your life through this practice.

Actually, when you think of it…it’s kinda like a woman’s secret weapon ;)

Strengthen Your Emotional Resilience

When facing difficult situations or emotions, breathwork can be a mega effective grounding and centering practice that allows you to find stability amidst the storm.

By focusing on your breath and intentionally choosing how you respond, become better equipped to handle adversity with resilience and grace.

By consciously controlling your breath, you can influence your emotional state and response.


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Leanna Bishop, expert breathwork facilitator, guides mothers, entrepreneurs, and those healing their inner child through her uniquely developed M.O.T.H.E.R.L.U.N.G. Protocol.

…more importantly

Breathwork can help you access and release emotional or energetic blockages that may be hindering your well-being, enhance your connection to your intuition, expand your awareness of subtle energetic sensations, open doors to deep insights, heighten creativity, and experience a profound connection to the broader aspects of your existence as a sleeping phoenix ☯

“Breathwork fosters self-care and self-awareness, letting you reconnect with yourself despite motherhood's many demands. Mindfulness can be developed and one's own needs and aspirations better understood by paying attention to one's breathing and the present moment. Breathwork provides newfound insight, with which you can put yourself first and make better decisions to improve your overall health
& quality of life.”

— Leanna Bishop